Josh Kinghorn

Associate Broker

Idaho is a great place to live and work, which is why Josh Kinghorn choses to call it home. Josh moved to Boise as a child and chose the area to raise his family and start his business. Real estate is a passion for Josh and with a background in construction and sales, it is easy to see why clients call Josh for help buying and selling all types of real estate. Josh became a real estate agent in 2013, received his Associate Broker license in 2021. And in the fall of 2022, he added Real Estate Educator to the list. He is passionate about helping clients take the next step in their Real Estate journey. Josh started the Idaho Home Team in 2019 and loves mentoring and supporting the agents that he gets to work with. He volunteers with Boise Regional Realtors and loves being a part of other Boise community events. 


When Josh isn’t in the office or volunteering, you’ll often find him on the golf course, being outdoors, and enjoying time with friends and family.

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